List of Top Fosamax alternatives of 2022

Fosamax alternatives – Fosamax is the brand name of the drug alendronate, used for treating women who suffer from postmenopausal osteoporosis, which in other terms called osteopenia. Osteopenia is a medical condition that affects women whose bones become weaker than they are normal but unbroken easily, at the same time appear in a breakable condition too.

Fosamax is a highly-efficient drug that increases mineral density of bone and gradually reduces the risk of spine, hip and wrist fractures in women who suffer from osteoporosis.

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In recent years, many supplements were introduced as Fosamax alternatives in the market, which are said to have equal effects when consumed.

Fosamax alternatives

This blog takes you through top Fosamax alternatives that bring unbelievable benefits to women.


Prolia is one of the Fosamax alternatives that work best to protect healthy cells that prone to damage. It treats osteoporosis in women with a high risk of bone fracture, particularly those who undergo treatments for cancer. You should also be aware that Prolia does not suit women who have low levels of calcium in their blood.

Ensure that you inform your doctor about your pre-medical history if any if you have been prescribed to consume Prolia. If you have kidney disease, a weak immune system, hypoparathyroidism, thyroid surgery, latex allergic, etc, then you need to check twice with your doctor before you get into treatment.


Bonivia is another best Fosamax alternative used to treat osteoporosis women who affect spinal fracture by increasing the bone mass. Be aware that you should immediately call your doctor in case your chest pains, worsening heartburn or pain when swallowing, after taking Boniva. Sometimes, you might also experience severe pain in your joints, bones or muscles; if it continues, it is advisable to consult with your doctor immediately.

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Actonel is a high-quality drug which helps in altering bone formation and breakdowns in the body. It supports slowing down bone loss and help avoid bone fractures. Actonel acts one step ahead than other Fosamax alternatives by treating not only osteoporosis caused due to menopause but also due to steroid usage or gonadal failure. It is not advisable to consume Actonel if you have great troubles with the esophagus or low levels of calcium in the blood.


Forteo is a wonderful drug that is produced from the parathyroid hormone that exists naturally in the human body. Again, Forteo also improves the mineral density of bone strength and treats osteoporosis caused due to menopause, steroid usage or gonadal failure. People using Forteo should stay away from alcohol and smoking as it may harm your body.

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Reclast in other terms called zoledronate serves the same features similar to other Fosamax alternatives. It prevents the high risk of bone fracture in both men and women who suffer from osteoporosis. Zoledronate is available in another brand called Zometa that is used for treating high calcium in blood levels caused due to cancer and multiple myeloma.

But using Reclast and Zometa at the same time is very dangerous. Women when under this medication are advised not to plan for pregnancy because its side effects may affect your baby.


Other than treating osteoporosis in postmenopausal women, Evista supports in bringing down the risk of growing breast cancer in women having osteoporosis, but note that it is not a cure for breast cancer. If you have kidney disease, chances of blood clogging inside your body occur frequently; consuming Evista may sometimes increase the risk of a blood clot on your legs, lungs or eyes.

Also, even if you had a blood clot previously or recently, it is not advisable to go with this medicine. Though it is used to treat postmenopausal women, pregnant women or breastfeeding mothers cannot take this medicine at all.


Caltrate is a high calcium supplement for treating and preventing low calcium levels in both men and women. Doctors use Caltrate for treating several other health conditions as well. Before taking Caltrate, check with your doctor if you are allergic to the medicine, otherwise, it may lead to hives, itching, peeling skin, constipation kind of irritating side effects.


Atelvia is specialized in treating postmenopausal women who are prone to osteoporosis. It can help cut down quick bone loss and prevent bone fractures. This medicine is not allowed to consume by people who have esophagus or low levels of calcium in the blood. Also if you cannot stand or sit even for 30 minutes, do not take Atelvia. In case you experience unusual chest pain or worsened burning, stop this medicine and consult the doctor immediately.


Premarin is made of estrogen hormones, which is a female sex hormone produced by the ovaries naturally. Your body requires estrogen for many reasons and functions. If women have hot flashes or vaginal changes kind of menopause symptoms, then to treat such disorder, doctors prescribe Premarin and also to prevent bone loss, this drug is used extensively. If you experience any unusual vaginal bleeding after taking Premarin, immediately report the same to the doctor, as it may lead to uterine cancer.


Estradiol is available under brand names Estrace, Delestrogen, Divigel, Elestrin and more. It is also a sex hormone produced in a female that regulates many functions in the body. Doctors may prescribe Estradiol in the form of oral tablets, gel, vaginal cream or injection, depending on the type of disease you are exposed to. It helps prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women by saving from severe bone loss and slows down the time of bone weakness.

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Fosamax alternatives are not limited to the aforementioned list. Your doctor may prescribe any new medicine introduced in the market mentioning both its pros and cons. Read every single line thoroughly before you consume any hormonal medicine. Hoping the information was sufficient, and stay in tune with our blog site for more updates on relevant or new information.

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